Gay Oya valley is in the Uwa and Eastern Provinces. It includes the famous Senanayake Samudraya and Bird Island too. Started in 1949, Gal Oya development project is an irrigation project based on the Tennessee valley project in the USA. The project in the USA was introduced in 1933 and was to provide navigation, electricity generation, flood control, fertilizer manufacturing and economic development of the Tennesee Valley region. It was a success in the USA as it decentralized power and increased the living slandered of Tennessee valley inhabitants. Figure1. Plan of the Tennesee Valley project in USA. The government of Sri Lanka aimed a similar effect by starting Gal Oya project. It was initiated to provide water, produce sugar, hydro power and agricultural products. 42, 000 acres land was expected to use for irrigation. The Gal Oya Development Board was given all the rights for design, construction, operation and maintenance. This project had a c...